Cradled within the arms of our cozy community lies a quaint, red brick church where one is able to find refuge from life's burdens, peace in the face of disaster, compassion in times of loneliness, and hope in times of utter defeat.
With and emphasis on family involvement, community outreach, and service to those in need, the First Baptist Church of Gramercy's history began over 60 years ago. Its mission has always remained steadfast- to share the good news of salvation through the Word of Jesus Christ. This goal is as relevant today as it was in 1949.
The physical building of the church changed four times, from Lutcher Theater, to the home of the Barfields, to the sanctuary built on Third Street across from the VFW, to its present location on North Airline Avenue in Gramercy.
The guidance of the Lord has led this little country church to see good times and bad, to weather storms and rebound with a growing membership in faith and love.
At one time there was not a single Southern Baptist church in St. James Parish, but then a couple of ladies who moved to the parish from other states wanted a Baptist church that they could attend. Their names were Mrs. Barefield and Miss Virgie Stringer. So, in 1949, the ladies began meeting in Mrs. Barfield's home located in Hester. They began what is now known as the First Baptist Church of Gramercy. Some of the early church services were also held in the old Lutcher/Gramercy theater and were led by Dr. Roy Beaman, a professor at New Orleans Baptist Seminary. The first actual church building was a small one located on Third Street in Lutcher. It was named Lutcher Baptist Church.
During the early years of the church, two events contributed to its growth. The first local converts were a result of an invitation for Bro. Sam Jones to speak to the Colonial Sugars workers who were on strike and meeting at a union hall in Gramercy. Also, during the late 1950's several Baptist families moved to the area because of employment at Kaiser Aluminum plant in Gramercy. The church enrollment increased when some of these families became members.
As the church grew, a larger building was built in 1956 at the present location of the church at 1046 North Airline Avenue in Gramercy. The church was then named First Baptist Church of Gramercy. The fellowship hall building was built about two years later. In 1980, the entire church worked together, under the leadership of Alfred Roper, to build a beautiful new church building for worship. It was dedicated to God on January 18, 1981.
In February of 1975, the church began a mission in Reserve, Louisiana. This church is now known as the First Baptist Church of Reserve. First Baptist Church of Gramercy also began a mission in Convent, Louisiana in 1984. The pastor was Bro. S.S. Davis. Later, the property in Convent was sold. The money from this sale was used by the LA Baptist Convention to purchase property in Gonzales, Louisiana for a seaman's ministry.
The first pastor's residence was a rented apartment in Lutcher. In 1954, a pastorium was build on the property next to the first church building in Lutcher. in 1959, the church purchased a house for the pastor which was located on Ezidore St. in Gramercy. The present pastorium was built in 1971.
In April of 2020 our country faced a complete shutdown of normal life due to the Covid-19 outbreak. On Easter the pastor, his wife and worship leader brought the church to the homes of the people. Through proper social distancing (from the curb of the street) they brought worship and a message of hope from God's Word to all who would listen. Covid-19 changed the way First Baptist Gramercy worshiped for a time. From online services and open air services to once again attending in the church building, Gramercy has stood the test of time and we are standing ready to continue proclaiming the blessed hope of Jesus Christ to all.
On August 29, 2021 our church and surrounding communities were destroyed by a category 4 hurricane (Ida). We took heavy wind and water damage to two of our 3 buildings. The fellowship hall was the only building left to us that could be used and it also had water and some roof damage, but God blessed us. He allowed us one building, we chose to take this blessing and be a blessing. After the building was remediated we started a free store that provided lawn cleaning tools, toiletries, cleaning supplies, food, drink, baby formula, diapers, and pet food. We received donations from other churches in Louisiana, elsewhere in the country and private donations to help the surrounding areas/people until the local stores were able to serve the community again. We also began holding morning worship services in that little building until the reconstruction was finished. Finally, in January 2023 we were able to use our buildings again, ready to touch more hearts for Christ.
CA's is an interactive kid's program that teaches about missionaries,who they are, and what they do. It is open to children in grades 1-6 and is held on Wednesday evenings at 6 pm.
Adult Literacy
Our church has a literacy program that helps adults who need assistance improving their reading skills or learning to read. We also help those who want to begin on getting a high school diploma. The adult education programs are free and we work with the community colleges in the area. Anyone who wants to work on basic literacy skills can begin at any time. Call our church (225-869-3467), leave a message and we will have someone contact you.